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Stop Queasiness with a lip balm!

Nothing is worse than feeling queasy when your pregnant. Whether it's because your sense of smell is heightened, and everything from eggs to perfume to smoke are extra annoying, or it's just the mere fact that another HUMAN is now making it's home inside your body, it is SUCKY! Making sure you eat enough protein and Sea Bands are good options to keep that awful feeling at bay, and I just came across another
(MAN, I wish this was out when I was preggo!)
The  geniuses at Erbaviva (super cool company) have come up with
Quease-Ease Lip Balm.  A hydrating, tingly lip balm made with essential oils of Ginger and Peppermint. It's petroleum free, and almost 100% organic, fits in your pocket, and perfect for calming your queasy stomach.
What a great idea!!
$9 Buy it here directly, or find a store near you!
Do you have any other Quease-ease ideas? Share!