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A yummy smelling, all natural stain remover that WORKS!

Move over chemical ridden Shout & Fantastik! 
There's a non-toxic and biodegradable stain remover that gets out all types of organic stains. It worked on my favorite babe's jammies that were covered in beet juice from a very drippy ice pop! Beet juice!!
Caldrea’s Sweet Pea fragrance was inspired by the aroma and delicacy of an early spring garden. This blend of essential oils of Geranium, Orange, Jasmine, Coriander, Rose and Bergamot recreates the subtle fragrance of one of the loveliest and earliest flowering spring vegetables.
The Caldrea Sweet Pea Collection is formulated for rooms and surfaces well loved by babies.
The Sweet Pea Stain Remover is gentle, yet powerful, a must for laundering garments and linens of little ones.

All products in this collection are gentle, yet highly effective in removing dirt from surfaces, clothing, and linens of babies and children.
So let them eat beets! and peas, and carrots, and strawberries... you get the drift.
 16 OZ / 473 ML $10.00

What do YOU use for stains?