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February book review: The Eco-nomical Baby Guide!!


It's not often that you open a book only to find yourself agreeing with almost everything inside! February's book review is a doozy, and everything we stand for, and believe in, here at Ecobaby!

It's The Eco-nomical Baby Guide by Joy Hatch and Rebecca Kelley, the inspiring gals who are also the authors of the awesome
There are many guides to buying more baby "stuff," but this one will actually help you buy less and be smarter for your baby and the planet!
Focusing on the reduce, reuse, recycle mantra and writing in a humorous but straightforward style, these resourceful mama's dish about everything from eco-friendly diapers (they break down and crack the cloth diaper code!) to babe's first food. 
They offer specifics for economy choices, midrange options, and heirloom picks, making green living with a baby accessible to everyone, even those on the tightest of budgets.

With kind wisdom, tips from the trenches (their personal budgets and how they saved), DIY ideas, and an emphasis on progress, not perfection (hooray!), this is a great read for new and expectant parents!
A wonderful gift for a baby shower or yourself! 

What's your favorite green baby tip?